Running from Crazy!!!


Friday, July 22, 2011

This little guy....

Has been wired all week!!! I think most of it is because it's been too hot to play outside. I have been trying to keep him busy with indoor activities.....but it has been challenging....

So on Wednesday we went to Chick-fil-a and ate lunch, listened to a bible story and did a project....then we headed to the library. Yesterday, was a little crazy. We went to the Y in the morning and then I had volunteered to help Big Brothers & Big Sisters during a concert they have in Old Town Petersburg. It was miserable. So hot. People were grumpy and drunk. Oh well. I thought it would be a good way to find out more about the charity and talk to one of the reps about being a Big Sister while I volunteered my time. Anyway.......A new friend brought me a ton of tomatoes from her garden and they are awesome!!!! I have been eating toasted tomato sandwiches for every meal for 2 1/2 days now...yum..yum!

Eric has been working so hard this week. My SuperMan.
Anyway, it is way too hot to attempt to grill and hang out on the deck this, I made a ton of yummy snacks and dips to munch on and there are several movies on demand to watch....I'm really excited to spend time just chillin with my boys.....:) Here are some of things I made.....
Yummy in my tummy!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

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