Running from Crazy!!!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Gosh I really need to sit...

I haven't sit all day....been running full steam since early this morning...anyway, got a lot done, like taking all the fall decorations off the front porch into the shed...hung a couple things, but we are going to wait until we get back from vacation to really get the decorating on....of course, I cleaned like a mad woman....then we went to Walmart.....that never makes for a happy day, but I got sooooo much done....I even found these in the shed....they were my bargain buys from last year, after Christmas.....they were marked down ridiculously cheap and it was when Eric was deployed...I thought that even if I didn't have anywhere to wear them ever....just looking at them would make me happy..:)
Aren't they beautiful???

I soooo need to sit down.....Asher is eating eggs and toast in his new jammies ($4 at Walmart) and I am letting my wonderful husband make stromboli's for dinner......all I did was roll out the dough....

Going to sip on wine now.....tomorrow's task is packing for Columbus/Vegas and happy hour/playdate with girlfriend (her house).....

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