Running from Crazy!!!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Crazy Monday....

My Mondays' are always insane....nonstop cleaning and catching up on not doing anything over the weekend.....there is a price to pay for everything productive coming to a hault on Friday afternoon until Monday morning....but, it's worth it....

Everything started with a great bowl of oatmeal and a phone call from my girlfriend Heather....I haven't talked to her for a week, so it was nice to catch up.

After I get done putting things into my isn't really healthy for you! Ha!

Then, Asher and I went to the Y for a quick workout.....came home and the whirlwind began!

I cooked 3 meals for this week.....I cleaned all day.....I didn't sit down until after 6pm......I am tired, my back hurts and I'm hungry......tomorrow will be an easier day.....

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