Running from Crazy!!!


Friday, September 9, 2011

I think I went a little overboard....

Asher and I have been enjoying the mornings with Daddy.....he had PT this morning, so he didn't leave the house until after morning hugs and kisses went to Eric......

Asher didn't have preschool today, so we went to the Y.....he played, while I worked my booty....after going to the store to pick up some pumpkin ale and octoberfest beers for the weekend.....I went a little parents are coming tomorrow, and we are going to be watching a lot of football this weekend......I made a ton of food, including 2 pies and 1 cake!!

Pear Custard Pie

Peach Custard Pie

Gooey Apple Cake

Hopefully, my Mom and Dad aren't dieting.....:)

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