Running from Crazy!!!


Monday, January 24, 2011


Asher was a grump butt last night....I snapped a couple pics to capture the moment...
Last night he asked me if we could make pie....I told him that tomorrow we would make pie....sure enough...when he woke up this morning....he reminded me that we had to make pie....I held off until dinner....we made 2 egg pies....

bread...egg...cheese...the perfect pie for dinner....

While we were making pies and eating them....I started dinner for Eric and I....

made broccoli and shells with cheese....kicked up sandwiches...ground beef...pepper/onions with condensed cream of onion soup....good buns from the deli....

Eric said it was a winner....easy to take a bubble bath with a glass of red vino.....nice....night..night...

1 comment:

Heather said...

Asher looks sweet even when he's a grump butt. Luke has the same soccer fleece but it's red. So soft and cuddly. Dinner looks yummy. May have to try your beef-pepper dish! Enjoy your vino and bath!