Running from Crazy!!!


Thursday, December 2, 2010


We are going to be in the car pretty much all day....I probably won't blog again today....I normally hate hate hate making the long trip to Ohio....I am the worst passenger ever...Asher does better in the car than I do....but, I am going to try and make the most of this road trip and QT (quality time) with my hubby and son.....

Things that I did to make this road trip better

- I have a ton of new magazines that I have been saving for this occasion
- I even bought a word find book from the DollarTree...just in case I really want to challenge my brain skills
- Packed snacks to satisfy each of our palette
- I psyched myself up.....this is going to be an AWESOME ROAD TRIP!!!

Plus, last night Asher said, "I am going to give Grandpas' and Grandmas' and Nana a hug and kiss."....that was just out of the blue....Eric and I have been letting him know that he will be seeing his grandparents soon....
Plus x 2, tomorrow we head to VEGAS!!!!...I know that we have been there a billion times, but I am so excited to run another marathon.....yes, I am a freak.....Vegas is always a blast though....we have a different experience every time....

We can't wait to see the fam too.....we really didn't set up an itinerary this time (we have the last couple times and it seemed to make things smoother), but hopefully we can spend some QT (quality time) with everybody.....

This is from a loooonnnggg time ago...maybe the second or third time we went to Vegas....don't we look so young????


Running from crazy's husband said...

Maybe more intoxicated than young?

Angel said...

I hate road trips. Of course there aren't many road trips available on an island so that's good, lol. Enjoy your trip! I'm jealous that you're going to Vegas, I've never been! Josh and I are planning to ditch T at the grandparents and then "elope" to Vegas for our 10 year.
Good luck on the marathon!