Running from Crazy!!!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Yesterday, Eric and I felt like poo....a big pile of it....He got off work early and wanted to make the best of it, so we both chugged some medicine and took Asher to the big mall to ride the train.....Eric also took me to Trader Joe's....we were out an about for over 3 hours....we ended up watching a couple movies and the later it got the sicker I felt.....

This morning I just had too much to do to be sick...Eric and I are both taking DayQuil every 4 hours....I have started sipping on champagne I said...I'm trying to fight it...I am finished making a crap ton of cookies...Asher helped...he made himself a pie wrapping done...thanks to are some pics of the day...Merry Christmas!!

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