Running from Crazy!!!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Great Thanksgiving....

We had a wonderful meal...not to toot my own horn or anything....but, this is my own journal/blog....TOOT!!!!.. TOOT!!!...let me tell you....I can throw down....thanks Mom for teaching me at an early age....

Here are some pics from today......what a great thankful....:) I ended up making mashed potatoes...broccoli & cheese casserole....stuffing....rolls....turkey with gravy, carrots, onions and red potatoes....homemade noodles...peach custard pie and pumpkin pie...

It was soooo delicious...I love to cook and think I do a good job most of the time, but today all things were aligned and Eric, Asher and I pulled off the ultimate Happy Thanksgiving Day....

He is really idea that I took this picture.....he is out.....night...night...:) jammies.....drank waaaaay too much wine tonight....ate waaaay too much food.....going to bed a really happy gal.....such a wonderful day!!!!

1 comment:

Running from crazy's husband said...

That's messed up! Paybacks...they are a coming! Luv ya!