Running from Crazy!!!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

My son is so much smarter than I am....

I know this may seem like I am bragging, but I'm son is really smart. I already worry about the day when he realizes his Mom is just average intelligence.....maybe below average....and uses this to his advantage in every way. Asher takes after his Dad in almost every way. Don't get me wrong....I am happy for that.....I am Eric's biggest fan, but Eric has given me one hell of a work out in my earlier years.....I am fearful of the bequeathed....
Did I use the word "bequeathed" correctly????

1 comment:

Heather Slusher said...

Bequeathed?! Good Word!! Remind me not to play WordsWithFriends with you!!!!

Asher is so cute eating his cheesy bread. Is he eating more than 3 things these days? Lol :)