Running from Crazy!!!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am so excited!!!! I feel better...I had a great day!!!....So much stuff done while Asher was at Preschool...I got all my grocery shopping done and still made it to the gym for a good workout....afterwards, I picked Asher up and we went to the Library...I checked out the max...I got some new cd's to listen to and a couple books to hopefully read....I checked Asher out 7 Thomas dvd's....and new books to read to him as was a fun little trip....

I can't wait until tomorrow though! Eric is taking a day off work and we are taking Asher to Thomas Live at VCU in Richmond.....he will flip!!!...I will take plenty of pics!!! We are also taking him to another Wizards game on Saturday in D.C.....he had a blast a couple weeks was pretty inexpensive...well, for the amount of fun we all had...we are really anxious to do it again...We love D.C.!

I'm not making anything exciting tonight for dinner....we are going to eat leftovers from the last couple of days....I always hate eating leftovers when I just went grocery shopping though.....all the kills me...oh well.....:)
If he only knew about tomorrow.....he would be a little more excited than this....

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