Running from Crazy!!!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Better now...

The last couple days I have been a little off. Eric has been sick. Asher started school. My cleaning schedule has deffinitely gone off track. I also found out a couple weeks ago that I have to get a shot once a week through the end of my pregnancy. It is a progestestrone shot that is supposed to relax my uterus and keep me from having contractions and going into preterm labor. All good things, yet I am a wimp when it comes to needles. Talkin, terrified!!! Anyway, this morning after I dropped Asher off at school, I took a minute or three to bawl in my car. I picked up my injections at the pharmacy and bawled all the way to my Dr.'s appt. Yes, I know......quite pathetic.....

long story short.....

I think next Thursday I won't cry as much. :)

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