Running from Crazy!!!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

These past couple of days have been HOT outside. I have been really finding it hard to muster up the energy to workout, but Asher helps get me going. He loves playing at the Y, so it motivates me to go there.

My food aversions and cravings have been waaaaay surprising to me. I crave raw veggies, fruits (especially berries), yogurt and icecream. I have been eating peanut butter and hummus to get some extra protein. Bread is always good too. Last night, I tried one of Asher's chicken nuggets and had to spit it out. Most meat sounds pretty awful right now. Anything cooked sounds yuck. Weird, huh???....The thought of eating a hamburger, hotdog, chicken tenders sounds yucky.....although, a slice of pizza with some raw broccoli on side or anything mexican sounds pretty good.....anyway, enough about food already.....

Here are some pics from the past couple days.....
Trying on hats at the Dollar Tree

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