Running from Crazy!!!


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I feel like I've had a really productive day so far....

good workout...check!
grocery store.....check!
Asher's haircut....check!

dinner in the crockpot.....check!

german chocolate cookie bars......check!

laundry being folded.....check!

Gettin things done feels good!!!

1 comment:

winning this thing called life said...

You are super mom!!! Feeling inspired!!! I miss you tons too! Things have been busy here as well. David is playing are a blast! Elana starts swim first week of september...I am trying to get healthy and my husband is beating me at it! LOL he has lost just about 20lbs! To my 11!!! ughhhh! That is okay though.....I just need to focus and stay the course! hehehe! How is the running?? Is Eric running again?