Running from Crazy!!!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

A WOOF...Wonderful Weekend...

This weekend has been great! Yesterday started off with a great 5 mile run at the Y. Eric downloaded some new music to my shuffle, so I was rocking it on the treadmill. Jessica (babysitter) came around 4:30pm, and Eric and I headed to Steelhorse for the annual Browns Backer's Association...soooo much fun we had!!! We have met some great peeps and are so happy that we can have something like this just down the road from where we live.
Mother and Son
Wish I would have taken a pic of them doing a shot of Jameson Whiskey together......almost brought a tear to my eye....jj :)
Eric really wanted some door prizes...

He was one lucky dude....we took home some pretty cool stuff....
He had to make sure it worked properly....

And.....a helmet that fit Eric's head perfectly.....
He's pretty cute....I think I'll keep him....:)

Anywho....This morning we slept in, and then went to Dick's Sporting Goods and Trader Joe's. Eric ended up getting a new pair of trail-running shoes, socks, and in-soles. I got just a few things from Trader Joe's....
My fridge is full, the cabinets runneth over with snacks, there is plenty of pizza dough to last us for a couple weeks, and my wine supply is stocked......
Eric is at the Y right now....he said he felt like a plump turd.....I assured him that he was not, but there was no talking him out of a work-out.....

Our evening consists of home-made pizzas.....maybe a beer-tasting (we got a sampler packet at Trader Joe's)....OSU vs. Wisconsin.....and a dvr'd Saturday Night Live....

Hope you had a great weekend!!!.....Grandma Roby???? Are you still reading???? I miss your emails!!!xoxo

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