The Pastor's sermon was really outstanding this morning. On the way to church Eric said something that really made me think.....he said, "it is fate or a blessing that Asher started going to preschool here (our church)." It left me speechless for a minute or two....while sitting at church, my mind kept thinking about that statement and just how much I agreed with it. I believe it is both fate and a blessing that we have found a church that fits us. I am soooooo thankful that we did. I know many do not believe in fate, but here is my personal opinion concerning fate and faith.
I believe in fate or destiny and I have faith. In my mind, when things happen, they were meant to happen. As God is at work in my life, I believe he lets things happen to me for various reasons. The good and the bad. The soooo many mistakes that I have made, the terrible situations I have been lucky to dodge, all the wonderful opportunites, the arguments and fights that were caused by my immaturity.....I could go on and on and on....Okay.....I'm done now....:)...Eric probably doesn't even remember saying it this morning and I know that he has no clue that I thought about it this much. Anyway, the point is......I really like our church. :)
As soon as we got home, Eric started making french toast with Asher.
He licked his plate clean....
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