Running from Crazy!!!


Friday, October 8, 2010

Asher is in a FUNK!!!

We woke up this morning and went to the Y...Eric had today off...I ran 5 miles on the treadmill....we came home...showered and decided to go to the outdoor mall (Short Pump) since it was gorgeous out.......we thought Asher would have a blast.....we gave him candy....let him have sips of my soda.....Eric and him took a ride on the train....we let him throw our change into the wishing fountain.....but, he was in such a funk.....he has been all week....I did happen to get a few pics of him kind of smiling...

But.....I will have to post them later....for some reason it isn't letting me post them right now....oh well...

Asher is taking a nap right now...Eric ordered Uno and took some tylenol...I poured a beer (Octoberfest)....Eric also picked up a lotto ticket....and the powerball # is 29....we might as well start spending our millions!!! LOL!!!

We plan on being couch potatoes and watching movies for the rest of the night!

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