Running from Crazy!!!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a day!!

I had my overnight oats.....they were AWESOME!!!!.....but, I think they were a little sweet for me, so next time (tonight) I'm going to substitute 1/2 cup pumpkin for the babyfood....I took a picture, but it won't make you want to eat it, so you'll just have to trust me....try this recipe....sooooooooooooo good......

Anyway, after I had my oats, I took Asher to Preschool....went to the Y....went to the store....picked Asher up.....paid bills...cleaned house.....cooked...met Eric at the Y after he got off from work....came home...had a glass of wine while talking about Eric's day at I am blogging......done blogging.....have a good night!

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