Running from Crazy!!!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

This really disgusts me...

First of all, I am a huge fan of the TODAY show...this is how I start off most of my mornings....

Wish they didn't have her though....

Anyway, I was soooo disgusted by one of the segments....It was about Thinspiration....I had never heard about this before...these blogs and websites giving advice on how to be anorexic and bulimic...these websites are revolting and is one of the websites that was featured....


Anyway, on a brighter note, Asher and I went to his preschool orientation this morning at 10am. He will be going to Chester Baptist Preschool starting Sept. 7th! The classrooms are small, the teachers are great, it is close to our house and we get to do a lot of field trips! I am so excited for him!

Going to have to make it an easy dinner....maybe sandwiches....or takeout...Eric, Asher and I are going to the Open House at his Preschool to meet with his Teachers and take a tour at 7pm.

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