Running from Crazy!!!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dr.'s Appointments....

Asher has an ear infection and flu. Dr. appts back to back. Nora has spent a lot of time in her carseat and Asher has been in bed watching toons and getting spoiled.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hanging on by a thread.....

Well, for one Eric has bronchitis, teetering on phnemonia. He is quarantined to the bedroom. He is on antibiotics and I am prayinging he'll feel better soon. Second, my hormones are making me crazy! To say I am having a bit of the baby blues would be putting it mild. It is so weird how you can be so happy and feel so blessed one minute, then the next want to punch your husband in the face or cry 5 times a day. Fortunately, I am aware of my craziness and what I am currently going through. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband that understands and sympathizes with me when I tell him that I feel like punching him in the face. The house is not clean. I am still sore. I need sleep desperately. Period.